Autore: Mascheroni P. S.
Anno: 2012
Argomento: Mobili
Periodo: Contemporaneo
ISBN: as97a11115171
pagine: 730
Illustrazioni: 695 a colori
Casa Editrice: Mascheroni
The craftsman isnt ever following a single line of instruction. He's making decision as he goes along. For that reason he'll be absorbed and attentive to what he's doing even through he doesn't deliberately contrive this. His motions and machine are in a kind of harmony. He isnt following any set of written instructions because the nature of the material at hand determines his thoughts and motions, which simultaneously change the nature of the nature of the material at hand. The material and his thoughts are changing together in a progression of changes until his minds at rest at the same time the materials right. Sound like art, the instructor says. Well, it is art, I say.